8 Crazy Ways We Waste Our Time…


At 31 years old, I look back over my life and think about how much time I’ve wasted doing random, unproductive things. Recently, I’ve tried to become more aware of how I spend my time because I realize my time here in this world is limited…and so is yours.

Currently, the average life expectancy in the United States is 78.8 years. If I’m fortunate enough to live to be 78 years old, that leaves me with 47.8 years left on earth.  While that seems like a long time, I’m sure the years are going to fly by so I need to use my time productively.

The majority of us have a huge problem with using our time effectively. Unfortunately, we take our days, hours, and minutes for granted. Time is the only thing we can’t get back, so we need to use it wisely. After doing some research I found some interesting ways we spend our lives. Some of them are pretty shocking. Here are 8 crazy ways we waste our time…

8. You will spend 2.5 years of your life shopping.

7. You will spend 6 years of your life cleaning and doing yard work.

6. You spend 3.2 hours per day on social media sites

5. You will spend one year of your life stuck in traffic.

4. You spend 3 hours and 45 minutes a day on your smart phone

3. You will spend 2 years sitting in work meetings.

2. You will spend 9 years of your life watching TV.

1. You will spend 91,000 hours of your life at work. That’s 10.5 years.

How efficient are you with your time? Do you spend your time wisely? If not, what changes do you need to make in your life to be more productive?

Written By Brad Johns

Brad is a Positive Blogger, Follower of Jesus Christ, and Founder of Tenzy

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